Lawan Lapar

Lawan Lapar believes that every Malaysian has the right to have secure access to fresh, affordable, and healthy food. However, Malaysia faces challenges in providing nutritious food to all its citizens.

Lawan Lapar’s initiatives aim to tackle the problem of food supply and food supply holistically, from producer to consumer.

Legal Trainings for Farmers and Fishermen in Perak

Lawan Lapar’s legal trainings aim to equip farmers with the knowledge and capacity to resist government oppression and to make a living for all Malaysians.

Fighting for Change at the State and Federal Level

With rampant systemic oppression towards farmers being a constant issue, Lawan Lapar aims to take the voice of farmers directly to the government via a strategic advocacy campaign aimed at upholding their rights

Creating an Urban Farming Resource Centre

Lawan Lapar aims to ensure urban-dwellers continue to have access to nutritious, healthy food by promoting the culture of urban farming, especially in low-cost, high-density areas of Kuala Lumpur.